Exodus Cry is committed to abolishing sex trafficking and breaking the cycle of commercial sexual exploitation while assisting and empowering its victims.

Our international work involves uprooting the underlying causes in our culture that allow the industry of sexual exploitation to thrive and helping those who have been sexually exploited.

We fight sex trafficking, and all forms of commercial sexual exploitation.

Trafficking is one component of a much larger system of violence, exploitation, and gender inequality known as the commercial sex industry. Our strategies are designed to assist, empower, and help bring freedom to those who have been victimized, while also fighting to uproot the larger system of injustice and exploitation that made it possible.

How we’ve made an impact

Exodus Cry has worked both nationally and internationally training abolitionists in outreach, hosting governmental screenings of our documentary Nefarious, and reaching women bound in sexual exploitation. Here's the impact we've made since starting in 2008.

Films & Media

Reached approx. 35 million people
Screened films thousands of times in over 20 countries and in all 50 states
Nefarious: Merchants of Souls recieved over 24 film festival honors
Benjamin Nolot

Benjamin Nolot

CEO and Founder

Benjamin founded Exodus Cry in 2008 as a 501c3 after being inspired by the life of William Wilberforce. He is committed to the abolition of modern-day slavery by campaigning to shift cultural mindsets and laws that would abolish commercial sexual exploitation. He has been a featured speaker at the United Nations and is an award-winning filmmaker. In everything that he does he is driven by a conviction that every person should be free.

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Helen Taylor

Helen Taylor

Vice President of Impact

Helen Taylor is the Vice President of Impact at Exodus Cry. Originally from London, UK, she has been involved in the fight against sex trafficking for 10+ years and done outreach to those in the sex trade in red-light districts around the world. Her US team reaches individuals on the streets, strip clubs, brothels, online, and in a local jail, offering loving support, resources, and assistance.

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Our time meeting one-on-one with both women and men has given us unique insight into the lives of those bound in the cycle of sexual exploitation.

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You can strengthen the movement and bring freedom to those caught in the commercial sex industry.

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