Enter the Story

What if you could change the story for millions of trafficking victims?

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Help hit the goal and change the story.

$300,000 by December 31, 2022

Opening scene

Tell stories that end trafficking

40 million+ have seen our paradigm shifting films, including high ranking government officials in multiple nations, sex buyers, porn users, trafficking survivors, and everyday heroes like you. Every one of these groups have told us how our films have changed them.

Our culture has been hijacked by the sex industry's narrative, and this is the crux of the trafficking problem. Transforming the culture is imperative, and telling stories can do this like nothing else can.

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Next year, we're releasing more film content than ever before…
Buying Her

Buying Her

Buying Her uncovers the demand for sex trafficking, explores what drives men to pay for sex, and illuminates what has turned many of their lives around. We'll tour this film worldwide in 2023.

Entering Pornland

Entering Pornland

Each episode of this series tells the story of a different performer, humanizes them, and exposes the dangers of the porn industry.

High Class

High Class

High Class reveals that Las Vegas' “high class escort” scene is just a glitzy facade for a brutal system of sex trafficking and organized crime.

“I wanted to react to Buying Her while the tears were still streaming down my face. It is superb. It is moving. It is honest. Brutally honest and without hype or gratuitousness… I am, in a word, blown away by the film…”

-Harvey Schwartz, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist

Help reach millions with our films

$50 can reach 1000 people with our paradigm-shifting films and campaigns

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Scene #2

Provide therapy that writes a new chapter for survivors

“I used to struggle with anxiety, panic attacks, shame, ruminating and self-loathing… The sessions have been life-changing for me.”

-Alice, survivor of exploitation on Pornhub

We've provided hundreds of hours of specialized trauma therapy to victims of trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation because healing is essential to true freedom. For many women and girls, therapy helps end the tragedy and allows them to live out a beautiful new story.

After the first 3 months of therapy, clients saw an average of:

  • decrease in depression
  • decrease in self-harm
  • decrease in suicidal thoughts

Help survivors to start a new chapter.

$125 can give a survivor one session with one of the nation's top trauma therapists*.

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*Exodus Cry works with a third-party, specialized, therapy institute uniquely trained in serving victims of human trafficking and interpersonal violence.

“The therapy has been extremely helpful and I am so grateful for all of the help you have provided for me. I never thought I would have the opportunity to share my story and actually start the process of healing from everything I've been through...”

-Rita, survivor of exploitation on Pornhub

Scene #3

Pass laws that stop the tragedy

Our campaigns and films have inspired the creation of laws and bills, in multiple countries, that uproot trafficking and exploitation.

The most effective law to end trafficking is the Abolition Model (or Equality Model) which penalizes sex buyers at a felony level and offers assistance to prostituted individuals.

  • Passing Abolition Model

    We'll be ramping up a campaign to get this law passed in ten strategic countries, which will help create a path to freedom for millions of women and children worldwide. As part of this campaign, we'll be taking our film Buying Her on a worldwide tour to help get the Abolition Model passed.
  • Launching Abolition School

    Our Abolition School, launching this year, will offer expert-level training and mobilize campaigners in these key countries in order to pull trafficking up by its roots.

Help end trafficking worldwide

$100 can educate 1000 people on the need for the Abolition Model

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Joy Smith

“Your film was very helpful in revealing the dangers of legalizing prostitution... I was honoured to host a screening of Nefarious on Parliament Hill for Senators and Members of Parliament. Now... Canada has adopted an approach similar to Sweden and Norway... Keep up the great work!”

-Joy Smith, Canadian Member of Parliament, Nefarious viewer

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