If the men who purchase women for sex can find them then so can we.

What is outreach?

Outreach involves seeking out those who have been trapped in the commercial sex trade, and helping to facilitate finding them a way out.

Where we do outreach

We conduct outreach in various locations where commercial sexual exploitation and trafficking take place: strip clubs, hotels/motels, brothels, massage parlors, streets where prostitution is common, and via websites with ads for prostitution.

Current or Past Outreach Locations

World map of outreach locations

We do regular outreaches in the Kansas City area, but also travel nationally and internationally for special outreach initiatives.

If you live in the Kansas City area and are interested in applying to be on one of our outreach teams please email [email protected]

How our outreach is done

When we locate an enslaved child we coordinate with law enforcement to orchestrate their rescue. When we locate an exploited woman, we offer escape and healing through a number of options and steps. An important first step is meeting each individual where she is at and building trust with her. We desire for her to know that she is a precious human being and that her value is not found in the exploitation of her body or the money made from that exploitation.

Many victims are lured into slavery because of vulnerabilities and the absence of options. We encourage her to dream. We invite her to set goals for the future. We walk alongside her and connect her with holistic support as we help her escape the darkness and journey into the light.

Women talking in a local outreach.

When we make contact with an exploited person, we:

  • First, identify whether they are a child who needs immediate intervention or an adult whose circumstances may be more complicated.
  • Second, let her know that we are there to meet her where she is at, and that she is valued and loved, not judged.
  • Third, extend to her an appropriate lifeline for her situation, such as: connection with relevant law enforcement officials, a hotline number, or simply our phone number in case they need us.
  • Fourth, offer assistance for any immediate felt needs by providing her with a Hope bag filled with toiletries and other items.
  • Fifth, offer her prayer and the opportunity to leave her situation.

“I feel like I’ve been living in a black tunnel. But I see a light now and an end to this.”

— Young woman Exodus Cry has helped exit the sex industry

The crucial next step is empowerment

Physical freedom is not the end of the journey for victims of trafficking and exploitation. Even after she has escaped the sex industry, taking steps forward into the unknown can seem paralyzing.

We walk with her during this critical phase. We seek to dignify her worth and humanity and to empower her as she makes choices, reaches for goals, receives healing, and prepares for the new adventure that God has planned for her. We connect her with services that can provide:

  • Basic necessities: housing, job skills training, social services, education, healthcare, and more.
  • Restorative care: addiction recovery, connection to a restoration program, or other restorative programs that fit her individual needs.
Internvention Manual

Training an outreach army

A critical element of our outreach work is training others. There are untold millions bound in commercial sexual exploitation and we need as many abolitionists as possible in this fight.

We developed a thorough Intervention Manual that clearly details how to do outreach in many different settings. We’ve had the privilege of conducting trainings for more than 2,000 abolitionists in 5 countries and we love to hear the stories of how these teams are bringing the light and love of Christ to the darkest places.

Learn more about the Intervention Manual
  • Provide an exploited woman with a Hope Bag full of hygiene and beauty products and an exit resource packet

  • Provide gifts to exploited women in strip clubs
  • Mobilize support for legislation that will target demand and help eradicate sex trafficking
  • Educate tens of thousands about commercial exploitation through a week’s worth of engaging content
  • Send an Intervention Team on one local outreach
  • Fuel the creation of paradigm shifting documentaries designed to expose systems of trafficking and exploitation
  • Resource the campaign to fight “Big Porn”
  • Help fund a major outreach operation at a national or international sporting event

We’ve started the fight. Strengthen the movement and bring freedom to those caught in the commercial sex industry.

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