Frequently Asked Questions

Exodus Cry is a faith-based organization. What does that mean?

We strive to model our work on the character of Jesus, who demonstrated love and active compassion for all, especially for those who were oppressed and marginalized (Luke 4:18). Our team holds a strong value for prayer and, in fact, Exodus Cry first began as a prayer meeting. We freely offer assistance to all who are bound in exploitation regardless of their beliefs and we partner with organizations from a variety of faith and non-faith backgrounds as we align on the common goal of abolishing trafficking and commercial exploitation.

What is your mission?

Exodus Cry is committed to abolishing sex trafficking and breaking the cycle of commercial sexual exploitation while assisting and empowering its victims. Our international work involves uprooting the underlying causes in our culture that allow the industry of sexual exploitation to thrive and helping those who have been sexually exploited. Learn more about our strategy.

How do you do outreach to those who are bound in trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation?

Our outreach department reaches out to exploited individuals in various realms of the sex industry including the streets, strip clubs, massage parlors, online, and also to those at-risk in jail. We come alongside them in love and compassion, build relationships with them, and if they desire to receive assistance or exit the industry, we connect them to our service provider partners. On outreaches we give out beauty gift bags with resources and a hotline.

We also run a weekly survivor-led support group to provide mentorship, and also offer childcare for the many women who are single mothers.

What methods for obtaining justice does Exodus Cry support?

Whether here in the US or abroad, our team always pursues justice—both for victims and against perpetrators—within the bounds of the law, and we strongly encourage all who are part of the anti-trafficking movement to pursue justice solely through these means. Exodus Cry condemns acts of violence and violent rhetoric in all its forms.

Do you do outreach internationally?

Our outreach work takes place across the US and internationally with our sporting event campaigns. In the past these have included undercover outreaches to sex buyers, exposing international trafficking rings, and bringing in law enforcement to assist victims and charge the traffickers.

Do you rescue children?

When we locate an enslaved child (under 18) in the sex industry we immediately coordinate with law enforcement to orchestrate their rescue. If appropriate, we will also offer the same services we do for adult victims.

Do you run an aftercare safe house?

We do not currently run an in-house aftercare program but we refer individuals to quality organizations and programs that have earned our trust over the years.

Do you provide therapy to survivors?

We are currently partnering with a professional trauma-informed therapy center to cover the costs of therapy for survivors whose videos were on Pornhub, some of whom were victims of child trafficking and abuse.

Do you offer outreach training?

Drawing from our outreach manual, we offer online or in-person outreach training to organizations, churches, and teams wishing to start outreach in their communities. In the past we have trained medical staff at hospitals, social workers, and jail officers in how to identify and intervene on behalf of victims of trafficking and exploitation.

Some members of our staff are available to give talks and training upon request.

Are you affiliated with any church or ministry?

Exodus Cry is an independent 501c3 charitable organization founded in 2008 and is not a ministry of any other organization.

How does Exodus Cry serve the LGBTQ+ community?

We believe every person should be free from sex trafficking and sexual exploitation. Exodus Cry provides assistance to all victims and survivors of the sex trade, regardless of their lifestyle, orientation, or beliefs.

Members of the LGBTQ+ community are overrepresented in the sex trade and, since 2010, we have offered services to this population to help them exit a life of exploitation and find healing.

Does Exodus Cry actively lobby for or against reproductive rights?

Exodus Cry is an organization that since its inception has never advocated, campaigned, or focused on any other issue besides sex trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation.

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