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Learn About Porn and Why It’s Toxic

Fight the New Drug

Designed for high school age visitors but incredibly useful for adults as well, this site offers a ton of educational content on the harms of porn as well as an online porn recovery program.


The National Center on Sexual Exploitation offers a wide range of recommended educational resources pertaining to sexual exploitation, including pornography. They are also a leading organization for policy reform and targeted campaigns related to pornography.

Your Brain on Porn

Founded by the late Gary Wilson, this site offers extensive expert and peer-reviewed research on the impact of porn on the brain and human behaviors. For anyone wanting to learn more about the science and psychology of porn addiction, this is a recommended place to start.

Youth Wellbeing Project

Their Critical Porn Analysis provides a greater understanding of the scope of porn’s impacts and frames the discussion to respond to pornography as the public health crisis of the digital age.


This new, must-read report exposes Big Porn and offers legislative solutions.

Resources for Porn Addicts Seeking Freedom


A science-based free recovery platform (recommended by Fight the New Drug) dedicated to helping individuals find lasting freedom from pornography. The service includes connecting with others, learning about compulsive behaviors, and tracking the recovery journey.

Relay (Support Groups)

A digital, group-based recovery program for porn addicts. Join a group within five minutes - Relay matches members into a small group of peers and helps them work together to stay accountable. Built on the principle that connection is the opposite of addiction.

She Recovery (women only)

Provides women with help, hope, and healing from pornography and sexual addiction through safe, confidential online community and access to unique recovery resources.


This vibrant online community platform is designed to help people overcome porn addiction, porn overuse, or compulsive sexual behavior.


The International Institute for Trauma and Addiction Professionals provides a list of therapists around the world who can assist people in overcoming addictions and compulsive behaviors related to porn, among other issues.

Seeking Integrity

Dr. Robert Weiss with Seeking Integrity provides treatment for men dealing with sex addiction, porn addiction, sexualized drug use (paired substance/sex behaviors), and associated underlying trauma at their treatment center or online workshops.

Reboot Nation

Run by Gabe Deem, a recovered porn addict who suffered porn-induced sexual dysfunction at age 23, this site offers a welcoming community, resources, and a plan for “rebooting” in order to achieve sexual health.

Starguides Wilderness

An in-patient outdoor wilderness program addressing youth who struggle with pornography, internet, and gaming addictions.

Ever Accountable

Accountability software that will help an individual find lasting freedom from pornography. The app provides instant accountability reports, optional blocking or filtering, random screenshot accountability, and more; all while protecting data security and privacy.


A free, proactive and holistic accountability platform, designed to fight destructive digital habits. Offers a personalized journey with ways to recognise triggers, fight back and stay encouraged in the process. Find on Google Play.

Support for Partners of Porn Addicts

Bloom (women only)

Provides tools and confidential support for women seeking to overcome the trauma of betrayal and infidelity, including porn use of partners. They offer live courses, groups, individual sessions, and courses for those experiencing various levels of trauma.

Addo Recovery

Offers therapy with a wide variety of specialized professional counselors for both addicts and those experiencing the pain of spousal betrayal.

The Mindful Habit

Run by Craig and Michelle Perra whose marriage was restored after spousal betrayal. Offers individual and group programs, live or downloadable, for men and women, including therapy for betrayal/trauma for spouses, in addition to their main porn addiction program.

Resources for Parents

Defend Young Minds

Founded by Kristen Jenson, the best-selling author of the Good Pictures Bad Pictures children's books, Defend Young Minds provides powerful resources, including: downloadable guides to help parents talk to kids about pornography, up-to-date parenting articles, free webinars, and a digital safety curriculum for teaching digital defense skills to kids ages 8-11.

Culture Reframed

Founded by expert and professor Dr. Gail Dines, this excellent and free resource for parents will educate them on the hypersexualized media and pornography online that children are facing today and guide them in how to talk about it with their kids.

Protect Young Eyes

Provides robust resources for parents and kids, including an app for parents with 500+ digital safety lessons. They also offer a free webinar for parents on the topic of internet safety.

Educate and Empower Kids

Provides excellent resources to parents and educators in guiding their children in the digital age. They offer books for kids and parents, educational resources, and programs (also available in Spanish).

Internet Safety Guide for Kids

This article provides a guide for parents about internet safety for kids.

Faith-Based Resources

Moral Revolution

An organization focused on healthy sexuality. They provide education, community, and resources that equip and empower society to live in wholeness and freedom.

John Bevere Porn Free Course

A 10-video course series on freedom from porn addiction with author and speaker John Bevere of Messenger International, who speaks from personal experience battling this addiction.

The Freedom Fight

A free online porn addiction recovery program that guides men and women on the path to freedom. The program works through the 6 roots of addiction and gives a scientific, gospel-centered, and clinical approach to recovery.


Provides excellent resources to parents and educators in guiding their children in the digital age. They offer books for kids and parents, educational resources, and programs (also available in Spanish).

Freedom Hub International (women only)

This is an online global community for women wanting freedom from porn addiction. They provide mentors and coaches to walk with women into healing.

The Conquer Series (for churches)

A video series and guide used by over 2 million people and counting. It’s designed for men’s church small groups to journey together in understanding all aspects of the impact of porn and offers effective tools to pursue permanent freedom and recovery.

Tech Resources for Protection at Home
Device-level Filters


Filters and safety barriers for devices designed to help families and schools.

Covenant Eyes

A leading and recommended filter software for men or women wanting to block porn from their devices.

Instructions for turning on built-in controls for most devices

For additional resources, please see NCOSE’s more extensive list here.

Raised on Porn Discussion Guide

After watching Raised on Porn, utilize this guide to discuss the film with friends and family, as well as get your next 3 action steps.

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