Apparel that slays (dragons)

1924us logo

Exodus Cry is honored to partner with the branding/design genius of 1924us to create this meticulously hand-drawn limited edition merch line which captures stories of exploitation, addiction, and redemption.

Images have always been at the epicenter of great social moves of justice. Thomas Clarkson’s detailed drawing of a slave ship helped expose the horrors of slavery to the mass public, Alice Seeley Harris’ photographs of the exploited and maimed Congo natives compelled Belgian’s King Leopold II to cede control of the Congo.

The art on these shirts has been carefully crafted to tell the stories of trafficking and sexual exploitation that our world desperately needs to hear. Wearing is sharing.

Dragon shirt

Love over Lust

Lust is an all-consuming dragon, but it has one fatal weakness. As renowned author C.S. Lewis aptly wrote “Love is the great conqueror of lust.” This is a battle each of us can win.

Innocence shirt

Death of Innocence

Porn has harvested the innocence of a young generation. It’s not “adult” content anymore. Most kids have seen porn by the time they turn 13, and millions of them are hooked on violent, abusive content that depicts the most vile sexual scenarios imaginable. This is the death of innocence en masse. It’s time to cut the cord.

Supply/Demand shirt

Supply & Demand

Trafficking and sexual exploitation exist because of supply and demand. Pornified culture is the soil that feeds the root of male demand, which supports the trunk of the sex industry, which produces the fruit of lives ravaged by sexual exploitation. The fight to uproot this tree begins in the heart of every person.

Christian Watson

About 1924us

1924us is a branding studio and general store, led by artist Christian Watson, focused on keeping traditional methods of creativity alive. Their products capture a timeless essence and they boldly use their platform to spotlight the harms of porn and sexual exploitation. Check out their store and Instagram.

multimedia pencil news balance mail paperplane banknote fire shop wallet porn-computer director-chair book-outline dollar-sign flag cart profile archive facebook-official twitter-square