The Exodus Cry Podcast

Episode 12
1h 6m

How Porn Is Fueling Child-on-Child Sexual Assault | Benjamin Nolot & Nurse Heidi Olson

The Exodus Cry Podcast
All Episodes
Episode 12
1h 6m

How Porn Is Fueling Child-on-Child Sexual Assault | Benjamin Nolot & Nurse Heidi Olson

Episode Description

This week on the Exodus Cry Podcast, Exodus Cry CEO Benjamin Nolot sits down with Heidi Olson, a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner with years of experience treating child victims of sexual assault. She shares heartbreaking stories of young patients who have been brutally assaulted, most often by other kids.

Heidi discusses the increase in child-on-child sexual assault not only in her hospital but across the United States. Her explanation? Underage exposure to porn is a major contributing factor since children are being fed violent sexual content as their sex education.

How Porn Is Fueling Child-on-Child Sexual Assault | Benjamin Nolot & Nurse Heidi Olson
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