For the One.
For the Millions.
For the One.
For the Millions.
A painted illustration of a double-exposure of a woman's silhouette from the side. Inside her head is a crowd of people.
Your gift DOUBLES till year-end!

A surprise matching donor just reached out to us and said they'll match every dollar given, up to $100k, through December 31!

Give by December 31st

You can impact the life of the one and the lives of millions in the fight to end trafficking and sexual exploitation. Give to help this work continue in 2025!

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Today, your gift DOUBLES! #GivingTuesday

Thanks to a generous matching donor, every dollar you give on #GivingTuesday will be doubled, up to $75,000!

Give by December 31st

Sex trafficking and sexual exploitation is a high stakes problem affecting over 40 million women and children worldwide. Help make a difference this year.

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How Do We End Sex Trafficking?

How do we put an end to sex trafficking?

By addressing demand.

This basic reality is the foundation to the ultimate solution to sex trafficking. In order to end it we have to end demand for commercial sex.

But how?

Time, testing, and research have demonstrated unequivocally that policies focused on eliminating demand are extremely effective in eliminating sex trafficking.[1] Countries that criminalize the purchase of sex as a felony level offense and de-criminalize the vulnerable women who sell it—and instead offer them help and social services—have seen astounding results. [2]

The Abolition Model criminalizes the act  of buying sex.

This model of legislation that focuses on ending the demand for commercial sex is called the “Abolition Model” and it is the key to eradicating sex trafficking once and for all.

It isn’t enough to merely rescue the exploited—we have to cut off the exploitation industry at its roots. If we hope to one day achieve a world where no one is trafficked or sold for sex, this starts with every country fighting for freedom by adopting the Abolition Model.

"I believe that we will never succeed in combating trafficking in women if we do not simultaneously work to abolish prostitution...” Margareta Winberg Former Deputy Prime Minister of Sweden

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  • Additional footnotes from video
  • [7] UK Home Office (2004) Solutions and Strategies: Drug Problems and Street Sex Markets: London: UK Government
  • [8] Raymond, J., D’Cunha, J., Dzuhayatin, S. R., Hynes, H. P., Ramirez Rodriguez, Z., & Santos, A. (2002). “A comparative study of women trafficked in the migration process: Patterns, profiles and health consequences of sexual exploitation in five countries (Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, Venezuela and the United States)”. N. Amherst, MA: Coalition Against Trafficking in Women (CATW). Retrieved March 15, 2003, from
  • [9] Vanwesenbeeck, I. (1994) Prostitutes' Well-Being and Risk. VU University Press, Amsterdam.
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