Become an Abolitionist

Being a sexual exploitation abolitionist means:

  • You support human dignity and recognize people are never commodities to be bought and sold.
  • You oppose any legislation which seeks to legitimize pimping, brothel-keeping, or sex buying.
  • You recognize that ending demand for commercial sex, including pornography consumption, is the key to ending sex trafficking and prostitution.
  • You believe every person should be free.
Sign the Pledge

The Abolition Strategy

We look to William Wilberforce, who successfully abolished historical slavery, to find our blueprint for abolition today. He succeeded by:

Changing the cultural mindset that excused and encouraged slavery

Changing the laws that enabled slavery

We believe commercial sexual exploitation can be abolished using Wilberforce’s strategy.

Sex trafficking and prostitution are able to flourish because of the economic principle of supply and demand.

Because of men who purchase sex and a society that tolerates these actions.

We need to change society’s mindset

to understand that commercial sex, in all its forms, is a deeply exploitative industry and that human bodies are not merchandise.

The Abolition Model

We must adopt the Abolition Model of law (also called the Equality Model or Nordic Model) to reduce demand by punishing sex buyers—NOT those who are sold for sex. It offers protection and social services to those being sold, as well.

This approach dramatically reduces demand for prostitution and puts pimps and traffickers out of business. Stopping the demand is the key to abolition.

The Abolitionist Pledge

I will support human dignity and recognize people are never commodities to be bought and sold.

I will oppose any legislation which seeks to legitimize pimping, brothel-keeping, or sex buying.

I believe that ending demand for commercial sex, including pornography consumption, is the key to ending sex trafficking and prostitution.

I believe every person should be free.

Why sign the pledge?

  • Strengthen the abolition movement by taking a public stand against commercial sexual exploitation
  • Let your voice be heard in the halls of government as we use this list of committed abolitionists to help shape laws around the globe
  • Get connected with future opportunities to fight commercial sexual exploitation

Sign the Pledge to Become an Abolitionist

Sign the Abolitionist Pledge to learn how you can get involved in ending sex trafficking, and get emails from Exodus Cry.


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Ready to take the next step?

Your monthly gift of $25 or more will help

  • Create eye-opening new films
  • Develop laws that fight for victims
  • Send outreach teams to sexually exploited women

Join 500 other monthly Abolition Partners

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