& sexual
& sexual
& sexual
Your gift will help reach millions with paradigm-shifting films, fuel campaigns to bring predatory companies to justice, and provide life-changing therapy and assistance for victims so they can rebuild beautiful new lives.
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Join by giving $25 a month or more
When you give as little as $25 a month, you join a passionate community of Abolitionists invested in a world where everyone can live free. Plus get exclusive perks.
other AbolitionistsAs a thank-you, we'll send you an Abolition Partner Kit, including:
- One free movie ticket for every new film we screen in theaters
- Nefarious: Merchants of Souls (DVD or Bluray)
- "Abolitionist" t-shirt (only available to Abolition Partners)
- Exodus Cry stickers & pins
You can help make a real impact.
3 areas of work
CEO of National Center on Sexual Exploitation
More ways to give
Exodus Cry is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization committed to financial prudence, integrity, and accountability. Every donor and every dollar make historic victories possible in the fight for freedom from sexual exploitation.
For contribution information, please email [email protected]
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Give by Check
Make checks payable to Exodus Cry:Exodus Cry
638 Camino De Los Mares, Suite H130-650
San Clemente, CA 92673
Wire Transfer
One of the fastest ways to donate to Exodus Cry is a wire transfer. A wire transfer allows you to send money quickly and securely. Please email Kirsten Neville at [email protected] for more information.Stock Transfer
Please consult with your brokerage firm to assist you in your donation. You will likely need to fill out a transfer form. Please email Kirsten Neville at [email protected] to alert us to your incoming donation.Employer Matching Gifts
Many companies offer matching gift programs that will double or triple a donation’s value. Your company may also match gift from spouses, retirees and board members. Search for your company below to see if your gift can be matched.Donate your vehicle to Exodus Cry
"CARS" makes donating your car easy. We take care of everything from the pick-up and sale to sending you the donation receipt and necessary tax documents.Donate car
Donor Advised Funds
A DAF is a centralized vehicle for charitable giving that makes it easy for donors to dedicate funds to support their favorite nonprofit organization. It also provides an operationally convenient and tax-efficient method for donors to manage their charitable giving.
Round up your purchases to the next dollar and donate the change to Exodus Cry. Your pennies make a difference!
Drink coffee, fund freedom. Select Exodus Cry from the dropdown before adding coffee to your cart at Fightcoffee.org. 100% of the profits from every purchase will go to support the fight for freedom!