The Exodus Cry Podcast

Episode 34
50 min

Trafficking Survivors Need this Most | Benjamin Nolot & Rebecca Cary

The Exodus Cry Podcast
All Episodes
Episode 34
50 min

Trafficking Survivors Need this Most | Benjamin Nolot & Rebecca Cary

Episode Description

The Exodus Cry Podcast is a resource for anyone who wants to learn more about commercial sexual exploitation and how they can fight it. Join the Exodus Cry team as they discuss updates on the commercial sex industry, including sex trafficking, prostitution, pornography, and stripping. Dive into controversial topics surrounding policy, ideology, culture, gender and sexuality, and even the spiritual aspects of injustice. Hear from leading voices in the areas of abolition, prevention, restoration, and intervention—including survivors in the movement to end sexual exploitation.

Trafficking Survivors Need this Most | Benjamin Nolot & Rebecca Cary
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