Toxic Porn, Criminal Porn

Our world is immersed in a sea of pornographic imagery and an insane amount of it is either toxic or criminal.

The crime of filmed rape & non-consensual acts.

The crime of filmed rape & non-consensual acts.

The number of child sexual abuse images (aka "child porn") has exploded in recent years, now reaching into the hundreds of millions. Also, nonconsensual porn, sometimes called "revenge porn," has skyrocketed—in these cases, those depicted in the content never agreed to allowing their images to be shared online. These criminal videos include rape, trafficking, spycam footage, and other image-based abuse.

What We're Calling For

To prevent pornographic videos of child sexual abuse, rape, trafficking, revenge porn, and all other image-based abuse, all porn creators and sites must be required to verify both the age and consent of every person in a pornographic video or image. Sites cannot be trusted to self-police so this should be done through third-party software.

visit the campaign: Traffickinghub

The toxin of
child exposure.

More than any time in history, children aren't just being exposed to hardcore pornographic content, they're being raised on it. Because of how porn rewires a child's brain, this is profoundly shaping their sexual templates.

Currently, most online hosts of pornographic content do not require age verification to access those images. Kids online can unwittingly and inadvertently find themselves down a rabbit hole of everything from videos of gang rape, to torture porn, to content that promotes incest, all within a few clicks. This isn't hidden on the deep web. Mainstream sites are infested with it and now pornography depicting malevolent sex acts has become sex ed for children.

What We're Calling For

To prevent child exposure to pornography, all sites that host porn must require site users to prove their age with a government-issued ID before they can access adult content.

visit the campaign: Protect Children Not Porn

The toxin of
promoting abuse.

The professional adult industry is littered with scenes that promote the fantasy of sex with children, rape, and extreme violence—mostly directed against women and children. This content normalizes abusive acts and inspires its viewers to commit these crimes in real life.

What We're Calling For

To prevent the distribution of content that promotes the fantasy of sex with children, incest, violence, and racism, this kind of porn must be banned.

The crime of
coercing performers.

The crime of
coercing performers.

When people watch a porn scene created by a professional company, most assume the performers have consented to take part in the scene. But many scenes are created by coercing young, inexperienced individuals into doing degrading or dangerous acts that they never agreed to. Some producers will lure young women who’ve never done porn, convince them to do a “normal” sex scene, and then violently rape them on camera. This is actually a form of sex trafficking.

What We're Calling For

Porn companies must be liable to a third party who can thoroughly confirm the consent of every performer and ensure that no coercion or trafficking was involved.

Shouldn't we shut down the whole porn industry?

While we believe that all porn creation and consumption is destructive to human sexuality and that eliminating porn everywhere would be a massive win for society, we are not trying to shut down the entire porn industry.

We believe that the most effective way to reduce porn's devastating harms is to focus on combating its most exploitative elements, as described above, ensuring that all porn creators and site hosts are restricted from streaming and promoting acts of crime, coercing performers, and luring child consumers.

Currently, legal regulations for porn are nowhere close to that of other dangerous substances consumed by adults so there is huge progress to be made. We must raise awareness concerning the dangers of pornography, so society at large will clearly understand its deeply damaging effect on the human psyche. As with any harmful substance, the decision of whether or not to consume it will ultimately rest on each adult, but we believe millions will stop consuming porn once they learn the truth of its harmful nature.

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