You can help end commercial sexual exploitation - Become an Abolition Partner

You can help end commercial sexual exploitation

Become an Abolition Partner to take an active role in freeing every woman and child bound in the predatory sex industry.

Join   other Abolitionists

Your monthly gift of $25 or more will help

  • Create eye-opening new films
  • Develop laws that fight for victims
  • Send outreach teams to sexually exploited women

As a thank-you, we'll send you an Abolition Partner Kit, including:

  • One free movie ticket for every new film we screen in theaters
  • Nefarious: Merchants of Souls (DVD or Bluray)
  • "Abolitionist" t-shirt (only available to Abolition Partners)
  • Exodus Cry stickers & pins
Nefarious: Merchants of Souls
Abolitionist Shirt

"Thank you Exodus Cry. I appreciate the time, effort, and everything you did for me. You never turned your back on me, you've been there for me... I also want to thank God for giving me a second chance and an opportunity to live again. God used you to transform my life."

—Destiny, 17-year-old trafficking survivor

Giving monthly secures freedom. Here’s how.

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