BREAKING: Young Women Trafficked onto Pornhub Via Fake Modeling Ads

Nine people from the “Czech Casting” channel owned by NETLOOK, the largest producer of pornography in the Czech Republic, were charged last Friday with human trafficking, sexual coercion, and rape.1 The videos produced from this criminal scheme were uploaded onto “Czech Casting” Channel, which is part of the Czech Authentic Video Network on Pornhub—it boasts nearly 1 BILLION monetized views across their channels.

Pornhub has once again been caught monetizing videos of sex trafficking and profiting off of the pain of victimized women.

According to Czech police, the company had been using fake professional modeling ads to lure young women to porn shoots since 2013.2

Who were these women? Young women who “wanted to be models, mostly, college students. The women submitted online applications that promised a ‘comfortable start’ in the industry—only to learn that the modeling job was a pornography shoot.”3

By the time these young women discovered the truth, their freedom to walk out the door was long gone since they had been transported to the shoot. Once isolated, these women were surrounded by people whose pay increased with the number of sex acts they delivered. They aggressively coerced these young women into performing sex acts on film and in doing so, nearly erased whatever free will they had left.4

The police described the scheme as “organized… with precisely divided roles.”5

It is a scheme reminiscent of the Girls Do Porn indictments of 2019 where “22 women were deceived and coerced… into performing sex acts on film that were subsequently uploaded to Pornhub.”6 In that case, the women had responded to Craigslist ads depicting fully clothed women and were flown to San Diego. Once they arrived, everything from promised pay to job specs changed immediately. Many were told they could be sued for the cost of their flight and other expenses if they did not perform the required sex acts on film.7

Fraud and transportation were used to create a vulnerability, an isolation that allowed them to coerce these women into filmed sex acts more easily. That is the very definition of sex trafficking.

In the Girls Do Porn case, over 100 women were interviewed. Czech police are still in the process of identifying and interviewing all the women victimized in the Czech Casting case.

RELATED: Why Pornhub Is a Pedophile’s Paradise

What’s clear already is that fraud and transportation were used to create a vulnerability, an isolation that allowed them to coerce these women into filmed sex acts more easily. That is the very definition of sex trafficking.

And once again, we find an official partner channel of Pornhub being charged with sex trafficking. The Girls Do Porn channel on Pornhub was only taken down in October 2019 following the federal indictments, 5 months after the first case was filed in June 2019.8 How long will the Czech Casting channel remain on Pornhub? It was still up as of the writing of this article.

That feeling of being alone against a set of men who want to see you raped is a level of force you cannot imagine.

I lived through the force, fraud, and coercion of the porn industry when I was trafficked into it at 14. That feeling of being alone against a set of men who want to see you raped is a level of force you cannot imagine. Some men who watch porn want to believe that all porn is consensual, but that is just a fantasy. In my experience, free will on a porn set is usually an illusion created so we will be blamed or so we will blame ourselves.

Many of the women interviewed for these proceedings said they were “horrified to find out their shoots were online.”9 They reported experiencing “psychological and health problems requiring medical attention,” as well as issues with their employment.10 If they were like me, they probably just hoped to put this trauma behind them. But having their videos uploaded online makes it nearly impossible for them to do that. This mass distribution via the Czech Casting channel on Pornhub was probably the worst nightmare they could ever imagine.

RELATED: The One Video Pornhub Doesn’t Want You to See

Friday’s indictments were a good first step in bringing justice in this case. Though we can never erase the injustice that happened to these women we can fight to get their videos off of Pornhub so they can move on with their lives. And we will hold predatory companies like Pornhub accountable for their complicity in this exploitation. Perhaps justice and a clean slate will bring the start of a new day rising for all these women.

Help the #Traffickinghub movement shut down Pornhub and hold its executives accountable by signing the petition, sharing the viral video, and becoming a partner. Together we can help bring justice to these victims and many more.

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  • 1. Prague Morning. “Czech Casting: Women Lured By Modeling Gigs, Manipulated Into Shooting Porn.” Prague Morning, 18 July 2020,
  • 2. “Policie ČR: Czech Casting – Obvinění Devíti Osob.” Page-Maintitle-Short-Default, ParlamentnĂ­, 18 July 2020,
  • 3. Prague Morning. “Czech Casting: Women Lured By Modeling Gigs, Manipulated Into Shooting Porn.” Prague Morning, 18 July 2020,
  • 4. Policie ČR: Czech Casting – Obvinění Devíti Osob.” Page-Maintitle-Short-Default, ParlamentnĂ­, 18 July 2020,
  • 5. Policie ČR: Czech Casting – Obvinění Devíti Osob.” Page-Maintitle-Short-Default, ParlamentnĂ­, 18 July 2020,
  • 6. Mickelwait, Laila. “The Article That Sparked the Traffickinghub Movement   .” Exodus Cry, 16 June 2020,
  • 7. Tennis, Taylor. “22 Women Win $13 Million in Lawsuit Against Predatory Porn Company.” Exodus Cry, 7 Jan. 2020,
  • 8. Hollister, Sean. “Pornhub Removes Girls Do Porn, Finally Drawing a Line at Sex Trafficking Charges.” The Verge, The Verge, 14 Oct. 2019,
  • 9. Prague Morning. “Czech Casting: Women Lured By Modeling Gigs, Manipulated Into Shooting Porn.” Prague Morning, 18 July 2020,
  • 10. Policie ČR: Czech Casting – Obvinění Devíti Osob.” Page-Maintitle-Short-Default, ParlamentnĂ­, 18 July 2020,
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