The Exodus Cry Podcast

Episode 26
1h 5m

Why I Don’t “Rescue” Trafficked Women | Harmony Dust & Benjamin Nolot

The Exodus Cry Podcast
All Episodes
Episode 26
1h 5m

Why I Don’t “Rescue” Trafficked Women | Harmony Dust & Benjamin Nolot

Episode Description

This week on the Exodus Cry Podcast we are joined by our sister in the Anti-Trafficking movement, Harmony Dust. Survivor of pimp-controlled exploitation turned UCLA honor student, Harmony founded Treasures in 2003 to empower women in the sex industry and survivors of trafficking to live healthy, flourishing lives. She has provided training for the Department of Justice and the FBI, and has helped launch outreaches in 120 cities worldwide. Her story has been featured on NPR, in Glamour and in her memoir, Scars and Stilettos:

In this episode, Benjamin and Harmony discuss how the “rescuer” model of outreach to exploited women is rooted in unhealthy co-dependency and how the use of survivor stories can often leave them feeling bound to their trauma and past.

Why I Don’t “Rescue” Trafficked Women | Harmony Dust & Benjamin Nolot
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