More Than A Survivor

It’s amazing what can happen in eight years.

Just eight years ago, Rebecca Bender escaped a life of sex trafficking. The tragic exploitation of her past is a very real part of her story. But if you want a truer picture of who she is, take a look at what she has accomplished in her more recent history.

Rebecca is an author. Her book Roadmap to Redemption, the first of its kind, is a faith-based workbook written by a survivor, for survivors. Rebecca is a speaker. She has been a conference presenter and a keynote at some of the biggest anti-trafficking events in the country, including President Jimmy Carter’s World Summit.

She is also an educator, an equipper, and a mentor. She trains FBI, law enforcement, and medical professionals about sex trafficking, and her mentorship program offers survivors of exploitation a deeper level of healing.

RB_blogRebecca has risen above her tragic past and it’s no surprise that she was selected to be featured in the More Than A Survivor: More Than A Story national campaign.

This inspiring photo exhibition features 22 women who are survivor leaders from across the country, and honors their beauty, strength, and accomplishments. It’s designed to help break unfortunate stereotypes toward victims of commercial sexual exploitation, and beautifully demonstrates that they are not limited by their trauma.

This traveling exhibition is not simply meant to celebrate the achievements of its 22 survivor leaders—it’s meant to spark hope in the lives of all victims and abolitionists, reminding each that no one is bound or defined by their past. The future is theirs to write.

This stunning exhibition is currently making its way through 22 cities across the nation—one stop chosen by each of the 22 survivor leaders. We are truly honored that Rebecca Bender has chosen Exodus Cry’s Abolition Summit in Kansas City, Missouri, as her exhibition destination.

GEMS-LOGO-hi-res-transparentRebecca will take a few minutes at our summit to share some of her story and tell attendees about More Than A Survivor: More Than A Story, which is sponsored by Girls Educational and Mentoring Services (GEMS). Founded in 1998, GEMS is one of the largest providers of services to victims of commercial sexual exploitation in the US, empowering girls to exit exploitation and develop to their full potential.

We interviewed Rebecca for one of our upcoming Nefarious sequels and we have a deep appreciation for her moving, authentic voice in the abolition movement. We’re grateful that she will have the opportunity to share with hundreds of dedicated, fellow abolitionists like you.

Come hear from Rebecca and experience this one-of-a-kind photo exhibition in person during Abolition Summit 2015, August 6th-8th.

*Save $20 on Abolition Summit registration today with the code ABOLITION20

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