Around the world, there is a growing movement of people seeking to remove all legal barriers to prostitution, often called sex work. They believe that by fully decriminalizing all aspects of the sex industry, prostitution will become safer and more...
Topic: Research
More and more often we are seeing the mainstream media push a narrative that describes porn consumption as empowering, liberating, and healthy. The messages are everywhere. Jess buys Nick a subscription to a porn site after losing a bet on...
*Trigger Warning: This article contains sensitive content that references sexual abuse and child abuse. “As far back as I can remember, I see cameras, adults touching me, giving me something to drink. I see lingerie in miniature sizes. My earliest...
*Trigger Warning: This blog and video contain written, verbal and visual references to violent and disturbing sexual scenarios. In 2015, around the same time our team was in Panama City Beach, Florida on a shoot for our film Liberated, shown...
*Trigger Warning: This blog contains references to graphic sexual content and sexual abuse. “At 13, I remember a group of boys, a year younger than me I think, openly watching hardcore anal porn on the bus to school. There was...
There is a growing and comprehensive attempt to normalize pedophilia in our culture. But it’s important to first define what pedophilia means, particularly because the word is used to mean different things to different people. At its most basic level,...