Around the world, there is a growing movement of people seeking to remove all legal barriers to prostitution, often called sex work. They believe that by fully decriminalizing all aspects of the sex industry, prostitution will become safer and more...
Topic: Trafficking
Popular clothing brand Abercrombie & Fitch is making headlines, not for their return to popularity among young people’s fashion choices, but rather for some very serious allegations of sex trafficking. Former A&F CEO, Michael Jeffries, and his British partner, Matthew...
People say that prostitution or “sex work” is a choice. So, is it? Most of us today have heard stories of the millions of women and children forced into prostitution through human trafficking. We’re aware and we’re grieved. But what...
Some say prostitution, often referred to as “sex work,” is a job like any other. It’s been dubbed the “oldest profession.” But is it? When you look at the real lives and real experiences of those in prostitution, it’s clear...
How Do We Put an End to Sex Trafficking? By Addressing Demand. Sex trafficking is a massive global injustice enslaving millions of people around the world. 99% of those victims are women and children. Every year, millions of new victims...
By now, most people with a social media account have likely heard of Andrew Tate. He’s the former world champion kickboxer and millionaire influencer who shot to social media infamy in 2022 after videos of his brazen statements about women...