COVID-19 and the Global Spread of Exploitation

An update from our CEO and founder, Benjamin Nolot.

Dear Abolitionists,

While COVID-19 is sweeping the globe, we wanted to take a moment to update you on how this pandemic is affecting Exodus Cry and the larger fight against commercial sexual exploitation.

First, our hearts go out to all of our faithful supporters and abolitionists around the globe at this difficult time, especially to those who have been affected in a personal way.

We are standing with you in prayer and truly believe God is hearing the prayers of those crying out to him in every nation.

As for our Exodus Cry team, we have all transitioned to working remotely at home and, thankfully, are able to carry on the fight for freedom without the need to gather in an office space.

Ironically, this season has been one of the most labor-intense and focused times in our history, because of our new campaign to shut down Pornhub.

As many of you already know, five weeks ago Exodus Cry launched a targeted campaign to shut down Pornhub, the world’s largest porn site, due to its complicity in sex trafficking, child abuse, and rape.

We launched and, thanks to so many of you, our petition to shut it down has reached well over half a million signatures!

Even in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, the incredible groundswell of support for this campaign has continued to build momentum.

Campaign highlights include:

  • The campaign’s online petition went viral and now has 553,000+ signatures
  • Following a protest we organized in front of Pornhub headquarters in Montreal, several members of Canada’s parliament called on the Canadian government to investigate Pornhub
  • U.S. Senator Ben Sasse called on the Department of Justice to investigate Pornhub
  • 125 news outlets in 25 countries have reported on the campaign, including: BBC, The Guardian, The Washington Times, Washington Examiner, Fox News, New York Post, NY Daily News, The Independent, Drudge Report, and Cosmopolitan
  • 75 human rights organizations have co-sponsored the petition with us

RELATED: Canadian Parliament Members Urge Govt. to Address Pornhub Concerns

Together we are making astounding progress and the fight against “Big Porn” is coalescing into a truly existential threat to Pornhub.

But Pornhub, and other parts of the sex industry, are seizing the opportunity of this global pandemic to maximize their profits.

They recently offered their “premium” subscriptions for free to quarantined individuals in France, Spain, and Italy. And just this week, they announced they’re extending this offer WORLDWIDE for the next month—this new user data can be sold to advertisers, maximizing Pornhub’s profit while other businesses suffer.

RELATED: “Corona Porn”: How Pornhub is Capitalizing on COVID-19

Hundreds of “corona porn” videos have been added to their site, with some depicting infected patients. Site traffic is up in countries hit hardest by the virus.

One porn site targeted 500,000 McDonald’s employees, who are experiencing a loss of income from the coronavirus, attempting to lure them into creating pornographic content of themselves to “supplement their incomes.”

A strip club in Las Vegas offered drive-thru strip shows and nude hand sanitizer wrestling.

Unfortunately, dire circumstances don’t shut down the sex industry. In fact, this industry thrives on the exploitation of people’s vulnerability, and there’s a tremendous amount of that around the world right now.

As the virus continues to spread and the sex industry tries to extend its tentacles deeper into society, we are more committed than ever to fighting for the freedom of every victim and justice for every perpetrator.

We won’t let this pandemic slow the movement down and we won’t let predatory companies win during this time of historic upheaval.

Our team has been developing further highly-strategic initiatives to shut down Pornhub and we’ll be unveiling our plans with you in the coming weeks.

Until then, there’s much that each of us can do to strengthen this fight, even while quarantined at home. Head over to to see the stories, sign the petition, and give to fuel the fight.

And invite a few friends to sign! If every person who already signed the petition just got one more person to sign we’d have over 1 million signatures!

Sign the Petition & Give

Thank you for taking the time to read this update, for your heart of compassion, and for your commitment to stand with us against the global sex industry, no matter what challenges our world is facing.

You are truly helping to bring freedom to countless vulnerable women and children around the globe. You are the movement!

In this unprecedented hour of history, we’re deeply honored to be fighting alongside abolitionists like you.

For freedom,

Benjamin Nolot
Exodus Cry CEO and Founder

One of the greatest ways you can make an impact is by joining Exodus Cry’s dedicated community of Premium Partners who are giving $10/month, or more, to sustain this long fight till Pornhub is brought to justice. Will you join Exodus Cry? Start here.

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