I was six years old. We had just celebrated my birthday, and I was so excited because I had actually gotten the exact gift I had hoped for! A real cowboy outfit, complete with chaps, a vest, a cowboy hat,...
I was six years old. We had just celebrated my birthday, and I was so excited because I had actually gotten the exact gift I had hoped for! A real cowboy outfit, complete with chaps, a vest, a cowboy hat,...
Although I loved my wife and family, I was secretly enslaved to an addiction to pornography and prostituted women. I was afraid to tell anyone that I was feasting my eyes on images that were disgusting to the normal person. I...
Would you believe us if we told you that a frequent sex buyer stopped purchasing sex after watching our documentary Nefarious? The truth is actually even better than this. A teacher from a vocational school in Stuttgart, Germany bought a...