The Top Works of Art Inspired by Traffickinghub

If you’ve been tracking with the Traffickinghub campaign then hopefully by now you’re well aware that Pornhub has been hosting and profiting from real videos of rape and sex trafficking. We’ve exposed this through our petition, in articles, blogs, tweets, a viral video, and many other ways.

But there’s something about a piece of art that strikes differently. It pierces the heart in a way that, often, mere words cannot. And this campaign needs the hearts of people like you. True empathy. Authentic compassion. If we could get our society to feel the pain of Pornhub’s victims as if they were our own sister or daughter—even just a little bit—that’s all the fuel we’d need to win this fight and shut down Pornhub.

Below you’ll see the top six entries to our #ARTXFREEDOM art contest (only U.S. residents could enter), as well as the top international submissions and a few pieces created by notable artists who are influencers in the art world. Below each piece are a few words from the artist.

These works of art are already reaching the hearts of people all over the world and helping to pave the way for justice for every victim.

The Top Six Art Contest Entries

These six works were chosen by public voting as the top entries to our #ARTXFREEDOM art contest.

Danielle Ballard | @danielle._ballard | Charcoal on Paper

My piece is a young survivor looking at a viewer. Her voice and experience is silenced by Pornhub however her exposed chest is covered with real comments from Pornhub users on their website. I want people to see how absolutely horrific and dehumanizing the porn industry is and how Pornhub completely disregards both Child Sexual Abuse Material and rape.

Jordan Beck | @jordan03121 | Photography

I wanted to capture the story I heard about Pornhub verifying an underage (15-year-old) missing girl. This was very disturbing to me and I believe awakened many other people to the realization that you never know what you’re truly watching and if they gave consent. I hope this photograph will open the eyes of people who think that it is fine to watch pornography because they believe the person is always verified and giving full consent. This is not the case with Pornhub.

Jess Velarde | @jessvelardeart | Oil on Linen Panel

“Not Silenced” represents the voices of survivors and allies rising up and calling for justice. She is beginning to tear away the tape and speak her truth.

Jordan Murphy | @ozf_creative | Procreate/Digital Art

My piece highlights the supply and demand of the porn industry. Instead of chains, they are bound by USB cables – these represent the direct connection feeding from the electronic platform of the porn site – and the online world demanding this material serves as their bondage as well. Inscribed on the wall above the girl says “What is done in the dark will be brought to the light.” This serves as hope for those who remain in this darkness.

Courtney Jette | @courtneyjette | Digital Art

Simply put, Pornhub is a crime scene. Shut it down.

Jill Daniels | Digital Art

Survivor Rose Kalemba’s quote really hit my heart in a profound way. I want to show the intensity of the “weight” Pornhub brings to an already immensely hard abuse. The entrapment of the perpetual trauma of your abuse being online for the world to see and download, and the heaviness that comes with this reality. It can feel suffocating for survivors.

Top International Art Pieces

Although international artists were unable to enter our art contest due to the complexity of international laws, we welcomed them to submit their work for potential inclusion in digital and/or physical art exhibits around the world. Here are the top three international art submissions.

Birdy Rose | | UK

I like to do portraits and give a platform to the voices of women.

Lisa Mendis | @prairiepariah | Canada

Sexual exploitation and violence targets women of all nationalities in every part of the world. “We demand justice, Pornhub” is the rally cry of these women. They come from all walks of life. They are strong, they are courageous, and they are ready to fight for real change in our world.

Jens Rudischhauser | | Street Art | Germany

Art Influencer Pieces

These pieces were generously created by some talented artist influencers to help boost visibility for the Traffickinghub campaign and #ARTXFREEDOM art contest. They didn’t enter the contest themselves but helped inspire artists who follow them to enter, while extending the reach of the Traffickinghub campaign to their followers.

Olivia Steele | @steeleism | Light Art | Mexico City, Mexico

“SILENCE IS COMPLICITY” – As we continue to become woke to the social injustices that plague our world, I have partnered w/ #Traffickinghub, a campaign I feel VERY strongly about. On a mission to hold Pornhub (the largest porn site in the world) accountable for enabling & financially profiting from videos of actual rape, sex trafficking, CSAM & other non-consensual forms of abuse.

Sneha Chakraborty | @lbc_sneha | Street Art | Pune, India

Thank you so much to Exodus Cry for starting this campaign to raise awareness about women trafficking & child trafficking. The choice to live by our own terms should be everyone’s basic right, which is being brutally snatched away from these girls, their dreams being shattered in a moment.. their life taking the most horrible turn. Raising a voice against brutality, against inhumane behaviour is just as important as taking care of ourselves.

Jay Kaes | @jaycaes | UK

Sometimes colour can help us focus on an image and it become an instrument to help us see the horror of reality. “The very idea that videos of kidnap, rape and abuse would ever be treated as a capitalistic opportunity is nothing short of treason against humanity itself.” Piece created to support #traffickinghub campaign and #artxfreedom art contest.

View the full gallery of art submissions here.

With your help we can shut down Pornhub. Click below to sign the petition or give to the fight.


Join the Traffickinghub Movement

One of the greatest ways you can make an impact is by joining Exodus Cry’s dedicated community of Premium Partners who are giving $10/month, or more, to sustain this long fight till Pornhub is brought to justice. Will you join Exodus Cry? Start here.

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