"Corona Porn": How Pornhub is Capitalizing on COVID-19 - Exodus Cry

“Corona Porn”: How Pornhub is Capitalizing on COVID-19

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As of March 19th, COVID-19 has infected over 200,000 people, of which over 10,000 have tragically died. The impact has been staggering. Businesses have begun layoffs or are closing operations, and families all over the world are hunkering down to help curb the spread. And as the world anxiously waits to see how coronavirus is going to impact life long term, there is one organization that has seen (and is capitalizing on) an “opportunity.”

According to Forbes, Pornhub has seen a huge spike in traffic this week, as millions of people around the world sit home in quarantine.1 In what they are describing as an act of “love,” Pornhub has decided to offer their premium service for free to Italy, France, and Spain during their quarantine. How nice.

So as families, businesses, and nations grapple with how to protect themselves, and bring an end to this pandemic, Pornhub is seizing the moment, promoting their harmful content and boasting about their twisted view of success. Pornhub’s idea of marketing is usually pretty crass, but this latest move reveals a deficiency of ethics and sensitivity that is disturbing even for them.

Apparently the virus has created a new category for Pornhub. Now, in addition to their smutty and sadistic search terms like, “young teen abused,” “school boy” and “slave girl tortured” you can add other tasteful options, like “corona porn” or “quarantine porn.”

Over the last few weeks, literally hundreds of coronavirus-themed videos have made their way onto the site. With videos depicting infected patients, Pornhub makes a mockery of the real-life trauma and pain of people actually fighting this disease. Maybe someone should tell them that the CDC actually doesn’t recommended sex for people who might have been exposed to the virus?

With videos depicting infected patients, Pornhub makes a mockery of the real-life trauma and pain of people actually fighting this disease.

But of course, Pornhub again is shamelessly taking advantage of human pain and suffering. In fact, that appears to be their ongoing strategy. Whether it’s marketing their filth to children, peddling “cartoon” or “revenge” porn, or worse yet, broadcasting child rape and trafficking, Pornhub continues to force their slimy agenda on the world.

RELATED: How Pornhub Goes After Your Children

But the heat is on Pornhub. Several members of the Canadian parliament and US Senator Ben Sasse are calling for an investigation into the site. Popular payment platform Paypal has also refused to do business with them.2

Yet, rather than confronting or apologizing for the criminal acts being broadcast on their site, Pornhub’s idea of a good publicity distraction is to make “corona porn” go viral. And that’s exactly what this is, an attempt by Pornhub to get the public eye off their controversy, and on their porn.

Not only that, this could be a tactic to gather more data and customers in this time of global upheaval—which would make it gross and insensitive.

If there’s one thing they understand, it’s the value of site traffic. So while traffic rises and people are consuming their “free” offer, Pornhub is busy gathering valuable customer information that they will sell to advertisers—once again, allowing them to make a tidy profit off people’s misfortune.

But there is something else going viral. That’s the movement of now over 500,000 people around the world who have said “enough is enough.” Thousands of people every day are pledging their support to have Pornhub and their predatory practices banned.

Pornhub’s stain on humanity is widening, and it’s time to shut them down. There is one thing the world needs from Pornhub during these difficult and challenging times—and that’s for them to go away.

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One of the greatest ways you can make an impact is by joining Exodus Cry’s dedicated community of Premium Partners who are giving $10/month, or more, to sustain this long fight till Pornhub is brought to justice. Will you join Exodus Cry? Start here.


  • 1. https://www.forbes.com/sites/nelsongranados/2020/03/18/stay-at-home-entertainment-coronavirus-is-already-fueling-online-content-and-the-virtual-experience-economy/#cd6d41325c57
  • 2. https://www.theblaze.com/news/sasse-doj-investigate-pornhub-sex-trafficking
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