Stories like this one happen because people like you help exploited women cross over into freedom. Will you be a bridge to freedom today and help us meet our $250K end-of-year goal? Your gift will transform lives in 2020. Give...
Stories like this one happen because people like you help exploited women cross over into freedom. Will you be a bridge to freedom today and help us meet our $250K end-of-year goal? Your gift will transform lives in 2020. Give...
I tried to kill myself when I was 17. I count that as my first real act of speaking. I screamed the excruciating pain of being sexually exploited in prostitution and porn, as I swallowed an entire bottle of pills....
This guest blog post was submitted by anti-trafficking advocate Abby Shrewsbury. I had lunch next to a pimp. I had been in anti-trafficking meetings all day with local organizations I partner with and hadn’t eaten a full meal all...
In a shocking, yet relieving turn of events, multi-millionaire and notorious buyer of sex, Jeffrey Epstein, has finally been indicted in the state of New York for his involvement in the sex trafficking and exploitation of teenage girls. He was...
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is one of the most prevalent diagnosis’ trafficking and prostitution survivors are faced with after leaving a life of sexual exploitation. PTSD, simply put, is the result of trauma. From the physical torture and emotional manipulation...
Our founder, Benjamin Nolot, recently had a deeply sobering dream, which he posted to social media soon afterwards. Through the overwhelmingly positive response and widespread exposure it has received, it’s clear that the message of the dream is really resonating...