I met my trafficker in high school. He was in the grade above mine. He lured me out of high school with promises of a good life, assuring me I could just get my GED and become successful. He started...
I met my trafficker in high school. He was in the grade above mine. He lured me out of high school with promises of a good life, assuring me I could just get my GED and become successful. He started...
Our 2017 Netflix documentary, Liberated: The New Sexual Revolution, sheds light on today's young adult hookup culture and the pervasive sexual violation that accompanies it. On February 24, Kimmy and Shay's stories continue in a new documentary mini-series featuring their...
Last year, Exodus Cry helped to shine a global spotlight on the world’s largest porn site for hosting and profiting from criminal pornography. The #Traffickinghub campaign exposed the mega porn site, Pornhub, for enabling, distributing and profiting from rape, child...
In a recent interview that went viral this week, world renowned artist Billie Eilish dropped a bomb on porn’s public image, sharing that exposure to violent and abusive porn at just 11 years old “really destroyed my brain.” She said,...
As part of our Protect Children Not Porn campaign, we believe it’s important to highlight the mental, physical, relational and emotional impacts underage exposure to porn has on the lives of real people. Below is a story submitted to Exodus...
*Strong Trigger Warning: This blog describes real acts of sexual abuse/assault against children. We share these stories to elevate the voices of the survivors, draw attention to the root causes of sexual abuse/assault, and mobilize a movement of people demanding...