At the height of my vulnerability, as a mentally ill eighteen-year-old, I was trafficked into the porn industry in Los Angeles. Over one hundred pornographic videos of me were made in a year, over forty of which are still featured...
At the height of my vulnerability, as a mentally ill eighteen-year-old, I was trafficked into the porn industry in Los Angeles. Over one hundred pornographic videos of me were made in a year, over forty of which are still featured...
The forests in and around Moscow have become “outdoor brothels” where sex buyers flock to each night. With prostitution being illegal in Russia, these locations provide a veil of separation from the more visible city environment. As we shared in...
I was six years old. We had just celebrated my birthday, and I was so excited because I had actually gotten the exact gift I had hoped for! A real cowboy outfit, complete with chaps, a vest, a cowboy hat,...
Hugh Hefner, founder and editor-in-chief of Playboy magazine, recently died at the age of 91. In the brief time since his passing, dozens of articles that portray and celebrate his legacy as a businessman and advocate for sexual freedom have...
Although I loved my wife and family, I was secretly enslaved to an addiction to pornography and prostituted women. I was afraid to tell anyone that I was feasting my eyes on images that were disgusting to the normal person. I...
The documentary film I Am Jane Doe depicts the great battle that several American mothers are waging on behalf of their middle-school daughters, victims of sex trafficking on Backpage.com. Here are some facts about this compelling and timely film. 1....