The forests in and around Moscow have become “outdoor brothels” where sex buyers flock to each night. With prostitution being illegal in Russia, these locations provide a veil of separation from the more visible city environment. As we shared in...
The forests in and around Moscow have become “outdoor brothels” where sex buyers flock to each night. With prostitution being illegal in Russia, these locations provide a veil of separation from the more visible city environment. As we shared in...
When I first watched Liberated: The New Sexual Revolution, I wasn’t shocked by the content or behavior of people on the screen. In the work I do at Baylor as a prevention educator, and the work I have done as...
I was six years old. We had just celebrated my birthday, and I was so excited because I had actually gotten the exact gift I had hoped for! A real cowboy outfit, complete with chaps, a vest, a cowboy hat,...
“Yesterday is not today.” Those words circled through me as we drove towards Houston. I knew I was meant to be in this car moving towards the Justice Rally outreach. What I did not know was what I was walking...
“The question we must ask ourselves is this: if the men who buy them for sex can find them, why can’t we?” –Blaire Fraim Millions upon millions of women and children are sexually exploited for profit around the world each...
James 1:27 “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction...” Exodus Cry’s Intervention team reaches individuals exploited in the sex industry in brothels, strip clubs, jails, online venues,...