Raised on Porn is now live! WATCH THE FILM HERE. I was first exposed to pornography when I was 6 years old. I was a very curious child, so I google searched many things related to the subject of sex...
Raised on Porn is now live! WATCH THE FILM HERE. I was first exposed to pornography when I was 6 years old. I was a very curious child, so I google searched many things related to the subject of sex...
Raised on Porn is now live! WATCH THE FILM HERE. A few months ago, we made space for our followers to share their experiences of seeing porn for the first time and how it affected their lives. Hundreds of stories...
Raised on Porn is now live! WATCH THE FILM HERE. It may not be news to a lot of you, but kids are watching porn at an alarming rate. What many people don’t know, however, is how scientists are consistently...
Raised on Porn is now live! WATCH THE FILM HERE. *Trigger warning: This blog contains written references to violent and disturbing sexual scenarios. Big Porn is harvesting the innocence of children, globally. With virtually no protections for underage visitors, and...
Visit traffickinghub.com to join the fight to shut down Pornhub! Wait a second, Pornhub is marketing to children? What came as a huge surprise to the Twitter world this past December, was just par for the course for Pornhub, an...
Lately, it feels like I am surrounded by nudity or (borderline) pornographic material everywhere I turn. From random advertisements, YouTube, all the popular movies and television shows, and now, even the most prominent social networking sites have started to disappoint...